How much notice do you require for orders?
We are currently booking events three weeks in advance. We recomend coming in even earlier then that though to reserve your date and time. We may be able to fit in a "last minute" order, but we cannot gaurantee availability. Our space is small, so availability is first come first served.

What is the pricing for cakes, cupcakes?
All of our cakes are made to order and the pricing depends on multiple elements. Please stop into the shop, or, use our contact page to get a quote. Cupcakes are also custom priced depending on design.

Are certain fillings extra money?
All of our pricing for our cakes and cupcakes include ANY cake flavor and ANY filling! Even a tiered cake can be multiple flavors at no additional charge!
Are you a walk in bakery? What items can I purchase when I walk in?
We are not a typical bakery. We do offer cupcakes and cake pops daily. We also occasionaly have items like macarons and cookies available. Sweet table items, breads, and pies can be ordered in advance.